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Java Index - Java Beginner's Guides : Java Methods : An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
by Maria Litvin, Gary Litvin Paperback: 524 pages Publisher: Skylight Publishing ISBN: 0965485331; (May 1, 2001) Book Description: Java Methods introduces the concepts, case studies, and examples relevant to object-oriented programming of applets and applications with graphical user interfaces in Java. The Java 2 platform with swing is used in all examples. This book has been used for introductory coputer programming courses and has helped many readers learn Java and OOP concepts on their own. About the Author: Maria Litvin has taught computer science and mathematics at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, since 1987. She is an Advanced Placement Computer Science exam reader and, as a consultant for The College Board, provides C++ and Java training for high school computer science teachers. Prior to joining Phillips Academy, Maria taught computer science at Boston University. Maria is co-author of C++ for You++: An Introduction to Programming and Computer Science, one of the leading high school textbooks for Computer Science courses (Skylight Publishing, 1998) and the author of Be Prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam (Skylight Publishing, 1999). Maria is a recipient of the 1999 Siemens Award for Advanced Placement for Mathematics, Science and Technology for New England. Gary Litvin has worked in many areas of software development including artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, computer graphics, and neural networks. As founder of Skylight Software, Inc., he developed SKYLIGHTS/GX, one of the first visual programming tools for C and C++ programmers. Gary led in the development of several state-of-the-art software products including interactive touch screen development tools, OCR and handwritten character recognition systems, and credit card fraud detection software. Gary is co-author of C++ for You++. Customer Reviews A Method for class Class extends Learning, July 23, 2001 Reviewer: Joseph A. Tosh from Atlantic City, NJ, United States Wow! What a great book for learning Java! Whether you are a beginner to computer programming, or migrating from another language, this book has so much for everybody. Every chapter ends with a summary and a variety of exercises to test yourself (or your students) on the topics presented. In addition, most chapters have at least one Lab and/or Case Study to extend your understanding and your programming skills. The book however is just the beginning. There are numerous Internet references for support, edification and enrichment as well as a terrific companion web site devoted to enhancing the book. The web site contains sample programs from the book, "student" activities, "teacher" solutions, information on Java compilers and IDE's, appendices, I/O classes, etc. As a high school APCS teacher I believe that this book will be an excellent choice for any high school level programming course. The Litvins gently take the new programmer by the hand and first walk them through samples of code just glancing at the details and eventually exposing the full breadth and power of Java. |
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