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Sun Certification Programmer for Java 2 Study Guide (Exam 310-025)
Hardcover: 625 pages Dimensions (in inches): 2.05 x 9.44 x 7.70 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing ISBN: 0072123729; Study Gd edition (March 3, 2000) Anyone preparing for Sun's certification exam 310-025 will find Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Study Guide of use. It provides a fast-paced tour of essential Java features and do-it-yourself sample test questions that will improve your chances for success on the exam. This fact-based approach highlights material that will be on the test. This means that it pays special attention to certain topics (for example, public-, protected-, and private-access rules), even though you may not normally need to think at this level of detail. Besides the basics, the text explains the details of class design and string processing particularly well. Exception handling and garbage collection in Java is also discussed, as well as class design as it pertains to the certification test. The book includes plenty of tricks and tips for what's covered on the test, along with what to watch out for in certain areas. A longer chapter on AWT for building basic user interfaces in Java rounds out this text. Every section provides challenging sample questions (usually about 20 for each chapter), which let you test your knowledge. An appendix contains more than 100 pages of answers and explanations for these self-test questions. (The companion CD-ROM features a computer-based test, similar in format to the actual certification exam.) If you have some Java experience, this book will quickly help ready you for official Java certification. Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Study Guide definitely delivers the goods. --Richard Dragan Sun Certification Programmer for Java 2 Study Guide covered: • Test-preparation guide to the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 exam 310-025 • The format of the certification test • Java language basics • Data types, arrays, and strings • Declarations and access control • Operators • Equality testing • Flow control • Exception handling (try, catch, and finally blocks) • Checked and unchecked exceptions • Java garbage collection • Mark-sweep algorithms • Encapsulation and class design in Java • Overloading and overriding methods • Inner classes • Threads and synchronization techniques • Math, String, and StringBuffer classes • Java collections • The AWT user interface classes • Event handling (events, sources, and listeners) • Sample test questions and answers Book Description: Stake out a high-powered career as a Java certified pro An important component of enterprise development strategies, certified Java skills are increasingly in demand at corporations. Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Study Guide from Syngress Media helps you meet that demand, putting at your fingertips accurate, in-depth coverage of all official certification objectives for the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam 310-025. Focusing on using Java to code and test application, applets, and servlets, this hands-on study tool maximizes your comfortlevel with identifiers, keywords and types...expressions and flow control...arrays...objects and classes...advanced language features...exceptions...building GUIs...the AWT event model and component library...Java foundation I/O and files...and networking. Two-minute drills, Exam Watch tips, and From the Classroom discussions help you keep your eyes on the prize. CD-ROM packs hundreds of challenging practice exam questions linked to the entire text of the Study Guide in electronic form. Book Info: Ultimate study guide for Sun Java 2 programmer certification Exam 310-025. CD-ROM included. From the Back Cover: Don't Let the Real Test Be Your First Test! Prepare to pass the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 exam - while gaining practical knowledge of Sun Microsystems technology for on-the-job success. Built on the proven training methodology of Global Knowledge, this complete study guide and CD-ROM package offers actual classroom techniques used by more than 200,0000 IT professionals each year. The Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Study Guide covers the Topics you need to review for the exam, including how to: • Individually select classes within a package using import statements • Write code using Java's three flavors of loops • While, do-while, and for • Use garbage collection to ensure that there is always enough memory in the heap to create a new object • Delay the reuse of memory occupied by an object using phantom references • Determine the differences between is a and has a class relationships • Create a thread by extending the thread class • Store a string of text characters in Java using a string variable • Use the three main types of classes within the java.awt package: components, containers, and layout managers. Customer Reviews Excellent book if somewhat new to Java, March 9, 2001 Reviewer: Robert Haskel from New York, NY I wanted to get certified but wasn't sure how to go about preparing for the exam. When I saw this book in the bookstore I really got exceited. It was exactly what I needed. After the first few chapters I noticed a few errors, so I went to the website and sure enough there was an errata sheet. I corrected the errors and then flew through the rest of the book. It seems like it was really written for someone who has been working with Java for under 2 years or so, which was perfect for me. It explains things carefully, as opposed to Core Java 2 which I found really difficult to read through. Bottom line: I passed the test with a high mark. This was the only book I needed. Without the errata sheet this is a 3 star book, with all errors corrected it is a 5 star book, so I'll give it 4 stars. Ok not sufficient for the Test, June 27, 2001 Reviewer: Parag Kacharia from Houston, TX Its good for a start. It has few good chapters like the Garbage collection and few more but not enough for the test. I had to buy one more book "The Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide" by Simon Roberts and also the Java 2 Exam cram. This book is a joke, March 7, 2002 Reviewer: A reader from Seattle, WA USA There are many good Java certification books available. This is not one of them. The text is lame compared to "Exam Cram" or "Passport Java 2." The CDROM test is worthless. It contains so many errors that I doubt it was ever proof read. Don't buy this book, February 25, 2002 Reviewer: A reader from Cambridge, Cambridgeshire United Kingdom Contrary to what some people are saying here, it does have a section on File I/O, but I agree that the mock exam is NOT useable. The code isn't indented, making it almost impossible to read. The Review mode of the exam (where the answers should normally be given) doesn't work at all and although they offer a fix (for what?) on their web site it doesn't work. If you need mock exams get jq+ and check out The book itself seems to be ok, but I am less than impressed and regret this purchase. |
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