Visual J++ @ Java Programming
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Java Index - Visual J++ Book :
Introduction to Java Programming with Microsoft Visual J++ 6.0
by Y. Daniel Liang Paperback: 752 pages Dimensions (in inches): 1.21 x 9.91 x 7.91 Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0130869120; 1st edition (April 15, 2000) From Book News, Inc.: A textbook for a one-semester freshman programming course. Liang (Purdue University) begins with basic concepts of programming, then focuses on object-oriented programming, and culminates in the development of GUI applications and applets with multimedia and networking. The book is similar to Introduction to Java programming, 2nd edition, but introduces Visual J++ throughout the book rather than in two chapters. The CD-ROM contains Visual J++ 6 student edition with the Swing library, and source code.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR Book Info: Features comprehensive coverage providing principles of programming including control structures, methods, object-oriented programming, and the core features of Java. Softcover. CD-ROM included. DLC: Java (Computer program language) From the Inside Flap: INTRODUCTION To the Instructor There are three popular strategies in teaching Java. The first is to mix Java applets and graphics programming with object-oriented programming concepts. The second is to introduce objectoriented programming from the start. The third strategy is a step-by-step approach, first laying a sound foundation on programming elements, control structures, and methods, and then moving on to graphical user interface, applets, internationalization, multimedia, I/O, and networking. The first strategy, starting with GUI and applets, seems attractive, but requires substantial knowledge of OOP and a good understanding of the Java event-handling model; thus, students may never fully understand what they are doing. The second strategy is based on the notion that the objects should be introduced first because Java is an object-oriented programming language. This notion, however, does not strike a chord with students. From the more than 20 Java courses I have taught, I have concluded that introducing primary data types, control structures, and methods prepares students to learn object-oriented programming. Therefore, this text adopts the third strategy, first proceeding at a steady pace through all the necessary and important basic concepts, then quickly moving to object-oriented programming, and then to using the object-oriented approach to build interesting GUI applications and applets with multimedia and networking. This book is primarily intended for freshman programming courses, but it can also be used in teaching Java as a second language or in a short training course for experienced programmers. The book contains more material than freshmen can master in a single semester. You can cover the first 12 chapters, and use the remaining ones as time permits. The Instructor's Manual on CD-ROM is available for instructors of this book. It contains the following resources: Lecture notes with suggested teaching strategies and activities Microsoft PowerPoint slides for lectures Answers to chapter reviews Solutions to programming exercises Over 400 multiple-choice and true-or-false questions and answers covering all of the chapters of the book in sequence To obtain the Instructor's Manual, contact your Prentice-Hall sales representative. Pedagogical Features of the Book Introduction to Java Programming with Microsoft Visual J++ 6 uses the following elements to get the most out of the material: Objectives lists what students should have learned from the chapter. This will help them to determine whether they have met the objectives after completing the chapter. Introduction opens the discussion with a brief overview of what to expect from the chapter. Programming concepts are taught by representative. Examples, carefully chosen and presented in an easy-to-follow style. Each example is described, and includes the source code, a sample run, and an example review. The source code of the examples is contained in the companion CD-ROM. Each program is complete and ready to be compiled and executed. The sample run of the program is captured from the screen to give students a live presentation of the example. Reading these examples is much like entering and running them on a computer. Chapter Summary reviews the important subjects that students should understand and remember. It helps students reinforce the key concepts they have learned in the chapter. Chapter Review helps students to track their progress and evaluate their learning. Programming Exercises at the end of each chapter provide students with opportunities to apply the skills on their own. The trick of learning programming is practice, practice, and practice. To that end, the book provides a large number of exercises. Notes, Tips, and Cautions are inserted throughout the text to offer valuable advice and insight on important aspects of program development: — NOTE: Provides additional information on the subject and reinforces important concepts. — TIP: Teaches good programming style and practice. — CAUTION: Helps students steer away from the pitfalls of programming errors. What's New in this Edition This book expands and improves upon the second edition of my Introduction to Java Programming. The major changes are as follows: Beginning with Chapter 8, "Getting Started with Graphics Programming," all the AWT user interface components are replaced with state-of-the-art Swing components. Visual J++ is introduced throughout the book rather than being clustered in one or two chapters. This incremental approach makes learning J++ easy, because the new features of J++ are covered in relation to the topics in each chapter. Chapter 12, "Internationalization," is brand-new. It was added to introduce the development of Java programs for international audiences. Appendix G, "Rapid Java Application Development Using Visual J++," is also new. It was added to demonstrate the use of J++ in rapid Java application development. Several new case studies are provided to give more examples for learning the fundamentals of programming, such as writing loops. Nonessential sections are marked optional and can be skipped without affecting later chapters. These sections include such topics as recursion, event adapters, anonymous inner classes, advanced layout managers, and resource bundles. To the Student There is nothing more important to the future of computing than the Internet. There is nothing more exciting on the Internet than Java. A revolutionary programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, Java has become the de facto standard for cross-platform applications and programming on the World Wide Web since its inception in May 1995. Before Java, the Web was used primarily for viewing static information on the Internet using HTML, a markup language for document layout and for linking documents over the Internet. Java programs can be embedded in an HTML page and downloaded by Web browsers to bring live animation and interactive applications to Web clients. Java is a full-featured, general-purpose programming language that is capable of developing robust and mission-critical applications. In the last three years, Java has gained enormous popularity and has quickly become the most popular and successful programming language. Today, it is used not only for Web programming, but also for developing standalone applications. Many companies that once considered Java to be more hype than substance are now using it to create distributed applications accessed by customers and partners across the Internet. For every new project being developed today, companies are asking how they can use Java to make their work easier. Java's Design and Advantages Java is an object-oriented programming language. Object-oriented programming is a favored programming approach that has replaced traditional procedure-based programming techniques. An object-oriented language uses abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism to provide great flexibility, modularity, and reusability for developing software. Java is platform-independent. Its programs can run on any machine with any operating system that supports the Java Virtual Machine, a software component that interprets Java instructions and carries out associated actions. Java is distributed. Networking is inherently built-in. Simultaneous processing can occur on multiple computers on the Internet. Writing network programs is treated as simple data input and output. Java is multithreaded. Multithreading is the capability of a program to perform several tasks simultaneously; for example, downloading a video file while playing the video at the same time. Multithreading is particularly useful in graphical user interfaces(GUI) and network programming. Multithread programming is smoothly integrated in Java. In other languages, you can only enable multithreading by calling procedures that are specific to the operating system. Java is secure. Computers become vulnerable when they are connected with other computers. Viruses and malicious programs can damage your computer. Java is designed with multiple layers of security that ensure proper access to private data and restrict access to disk files. Java's Versatility Stimulated by the promise of writing programs once and running them anywhere, the computer industry gave Java its unqualified endorsement. IBM, Sun, and Apple, and many other vendors are working to integrate the Java Virtual Machine with their operating systems so that Java programs can run directly and efficiently on the native machine. Java programs run on fullfeatured computers, and also on consumer electronics and appliances. Because of its great potential to unite existing legacy applications written on different platforms to run together, Java has been perceived as a universal front end for the enterprise database. The leading database companies, IBM, Oracle, Sybase, and Informix, have extended their commitment to Java by integrating it into their products. Oracle, for example, plans to enable native From the Back Cover: • Comprehensive coverage providing principles of programming including control structures, methods, object-oriented programming, and the core features of Java • Hands-on representative examples give detailed step-by-step instruction for building a project including the source code, a sample run, and an example review • Brief overviews, objective lists, and easy-to-follow style of examples provide the reader with the elements to get the most out of the material • All AWT user interface components used in the previous editions are replaced with the state-of-the-art Swing components • Companion Website available to supplement book prenhall/liang About the Author: Y. DANIEL LIANG holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Fudan University in Shanghai and a Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Oklahoma. He has published four books, as well as numerous papers in international journals. He has taught Java courses internationally, as well as consulted in the areas of algorithm design, client/server computing, and database management. Dr. Liang is currently an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University at Fort Wayne, where he twice received the Excellence in Research Award from the School of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science. Customer Reviews Good book with a catch, September 18, 2000 Reviewer: A reader from USA The book is great for beginning programmers. It has end of chapter review questions and code exercises. THE CD DOES NOT PROVIDE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS OR EXERCISES. WHILE THE PRESENTATION IS GOOD I WOULD SUGGEST GETTING ANOTHER BOOK. ONLY INSTRUCTORS CAN HAVE ACCESS TO THE ANSWERS. THIS OFFERS NO ASSISTANCE TO PROFESSIONALS WHO ARE LEARNING OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM. Great Book, May 28, 2000 Reviewer: A reader from USA This is by far the best learning and reference book I have ever read. This book covers all the basic on how to create Windows-based applications. It also contains many useful examples.My congratulations to the authors for a job well done. Excellent book for beginner, March 28, 2000 Reviewer: A reader from USA this book has provided programers, especially new learners to build up understanding of programming language |
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