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Java Index - Java Reference Book :
Java Programmer's Reference
by Grant Palmer Perfect Paperback: 1200 pages Dimensions (in inches): 2.50 x 9.08 x 6.10 Publisher: Wrox Press Inc ISBN: 1861004222; 1st edition (March 2000) Grant Palmer's Java Programmer's Reference provides an efficiently organized guide to the most important Java classes and APIs. With a basic tutorial and a nicely organized listing of Java methods (grouped by specific packages), this text is a great resource to have on one's desktop and is suitable for anyone who programs with Java on a day-to-day basis. This small-format book (measuring 9 by 6 inches) will fit into a briefcase--despite having more than 1,200 pages of reference material. Organized by Java package, the book tours the most common Java APIs, centering on the "core" and user-interface classes in Java (for instance, AWT and Swing). Early sections explain the basics of Java, including data types, keywords, and language constructs. Sections on the newer Java 2 collection classes are notably useful and concise. The rule of thumb in this text is both to list all methods associated with a class and describe all arguments and return types. Most entries also contain sample code. Java Programmer's Reference successfully organizes information for quick searches. But this volume is much more than a listing of APIs. The explanations and the sample code will fill you in on newer Java 2 features, and let you review the language quickly. The focus on "core" Java instead of Enterprise APIs (like RMI, JNDI, or Jini) keeps this guide manageable and puts the classes used most for everyday tasks close at hand. Besides its general index, the book includes a separate listing of all included Java classes to let readers find what they need in a hurry. Java APIs continue to grow by leaps and bounds. Whether you are a new or experienced Java programmer, this truly handy reference helps you be more productive by putting the most important APIs at your fingertips quickly. --Richard Dragan Topics covered: • Java 2/JDK 1.2 reference and tutorial • Overview of Java, Java variables and data types, arrays, and collection classes • Java I/O classes including file I/O • Java networking (sockets, URLs, and connections) • AWT classes and methods • Event objects and applets • Basic Swing user-interface classes and methods • Swing borders, tables, and trees • Java Bean support classes, additional Java packages, and sample code From Book News, Inc.: This desktop reference for solving specific programming needs covers the 12 most commonly used packages in the Java 2 platform standard edition version 1.3. The methods and classes in each package are explained, and 350 examples are provided to demonstrate how the methods and classes are used. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR Book Description: Java is a platform-netural, Object-Oriented programming language which provides a large number of predefined library classes which greatly simplify common programming tasks. This book is a quick reference to the parts of the language and libraries you'll need 90% of time time - the language has grown so large it is not possible to cover the entire class library in one book. Instead, this book covers the commonly-used packages: the Java language, utility, I/O, and network programming classes, together which those for GUI development using the Abstract Windowing Toolkit and Swing, applets, event handling, and Java Beans. In each chapter the important classes and methods within the package are presented, along with clear, concise examples that demonstrate how to use them. From the Publisher: Online discussion of the topics in this book available at Wrox's P2P site The growth and development of the Java Language means that alongside a tutorial (Beginning Java 2 - ISBN:1861002238) each properly equipped programmer should be in posession of a complete reference. Java Programmer's Reference allows programmers and developers to access the essential elements of the Java language in a quick and efficient manner. All of the major packages are covered, the core packages, IO, AWT, Swing, Network programming, and Java Beans. About the Author: Grant has worked as a scientific programmer in the Space Technology Division at the NASA Ames Research Center for the past 15 years. This has involved working with Java since 1996 developing programs for scientific applications as well as converting older FORTRAN and C codes to the Java platform. Customer Reviews Very Handy Book, July 18, 2000 Reviewer: Lynn Tokarcik from Atlanta, GA I really like this book and find it very useful. This book doesn't claim to be a tutorial, but it's actually a pretty good one. I'm still learning Java, and this book has helped me to learn things that weren't covered in my courses. Unlike many Java books out there, the writing style is very clear. The examples (and there are lots of them) are short enough so you don't get lost when going through them, and yet they are all standalone code so you can run them yourselves. It's a good way to get a feel for what the classes and methods do. The chapter on Java Beans is very good. I thought a Bean was some mysterious thing, but this book explains them very clearly. A Valuable Resource, June 21, 2000 Reviewer: Tim Nguyen from Reston, Va This book sits on my desk and I use it all the time. I looked at "Java in a Nutshell" but now you have to buy three books. This book covers JDK 1.3, the javax.swing package, and has hundreds of short examples. The package examples are especially good. The book also has a very good chapter on Java Beans. The index is outstanding. It is 60 pages long and is divided into two parts, a general index and one for classes. Because its only one book, it doesn't cover everything in the J2SE JDK 1.3, but as a reference book that covers the core Java it's great What's missing?, March 13, 2002 Reviewer: A reader from Belgrade, Montana USA I was very disappointed with this book. For someone quite experienced with Java it might serve as a good tool for jogging the memory. When you are in the process of discovery it is a very difficult book to use. The index and the table of contents center around classes, not topics. If you don't already know the classes count on wading endlessly back and forth through this book. For the programming I was doing the reference was very incomplete, even regarding the basics. I found references on the Internet to be much more helpful than this book. Great Reference book, July 25, 2001 Reviewer: Rehan Malik from New Jersey, USA This book by Grant Palmer is by far very VERY useful...i repeat...VERY useful if you can't figure out how to work with a specific class. The short examples give a good idea on how to implement something. It makes understanding things much easier since he has code and what the program will execute and what the output will be. He goes through the very basics, such as access modifiers and variable sizes, etc. He moves from the standard packages and moves gradually to file IO, then towards the AWT/Swing packages. The author isn't able to demonstrate ALL of the classes but by far, he covers close to 100% of what are mostly used in real-world applications. It is by far, one of the best reference manuals that I know of. Keep in mind his title: Programmer's REFERENCE. The way I see it, he fulfilled the book's purpose and definitley deserves those 5 stars. |
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