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Java Index - Java Reference Book :
QuickTime for Java: A Developer's Reference
by Tom Maremaa, William Stewart, Bill Stewart Paperback: 655 pages Dimensions (in inches): 1.42 x 9.18 x 7.35 Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers ISBN: 0123054400; Book & CD-ROM 1st edition (August 1999) The selling slogan for Java is "write once, run anywhere," meaning programmers only have to write a program once and then compile it for whatever their target platform happens to be without worrying about modification. The problem with systems like this is harnessing the power of complicated components like QuickTime from within such a high level and abstract layer as Java. QuickTime for Java opens the doors to integrating the Java programming language with Apple's premiere multimedia streaming software by introducing the QuickTime for Java API. The book's first half explores the relationship between QuickTime and Java, and how to make QuickTime function calls from within Java code. Both the book and the CD-ROM are filled with coding examples, ranging from the most basic--opening and playing a QuickTime movie--to the more complex, like embedding different media types and streaming movies. The second half of the book, "QuickTime for Java Reference," probably contains the most valuable part if you already have some experience coding QuickTime procedures in Java. In over 300 pages, it catalogues library calls and functions for each of the QuickTime for Java packages:,,, and so on. Both authors work at Apple--one is a senior writer and the other is the chief architect of QuickTime for Java--so it's not surprising to see their experience and knowledge brought to bear in clear and concise examples throughout the book. This is an excellent and detailed reference volume for anyone coding in Java, or anyone programming multimedia applications and looking to migrate to Java. --Mike Caputo Book Description: This book is an essential quick reference for the QuickTime and Java programmer. It provides the reader with a wealth of programming examples as well as a handy reference that provides an in-depth, class-by-class description of the API. The authors are part of the original QuickTime engineering team that pioneered and developed QuickTime for Java. A CD-ROM at the back of the book provides the reader with working sample code and other resources, so you can get started right away building your own Java applications and applets. Apple's QuickTime technology has set the industry standard for developing and distributing multimedia content over the Web and on CD-ROMs. QuickTime's powerful, extensible software toolkit enables programmers, Web content developers, and multimedia producers to deliver state-of-the-art digital content---movies, audio, and music. Using Java, the same application can be deployed on any platform that supports QuickTime. If you know Java, you'll want to tap into the power and extensibility of QuickTime. If you know C or C++, this book will introduce you to the core QuickTime technologies and their usage from Java. Each chapter is designed to bring you rapidly up to speed in particular areas of QuickTime usage with neatly explained and commented sample code and tutorials. • Offers an overview of the QuickTime architecture • Presents an inside look at the QuickTime for Java programming model and architecture • Includes programming examples and tutorials that demonstrate key features • Serves as a comprehensive quick reference of all classes and methods, interfaces and fields in the core QuickTime for Java 1.0 API About the Author: Tom Maremaa is on Apple's QuickTime technical writing team and the author of numerous computer books. William Stewart is the Chief Architect of QuickTime for Java at Apple Computer and an established authority in the field of Java software development. Customer Reviews Useless, December 4, 2001 Reviewer: s_kirov Absolutely useless. More then half of the book is QT Java API Reference just printed out. Thanx, I have a printer and I could do it myself, no need to buy the book. All code samples are poorly explained. If you're not an experienced QuickTime C++ developer you don't have a chance. Lacking...., May 9, 2000 Reviewer: Mr. Pheeps from US I do not recommend this book to those of you who are looking into developing any Quicktime application with Java. The authors have most blindly left out one important element while writing this "reference" book - the reference indeces lack what most API reference books contain - descriptions. As whimsical as it is, the reference section lists the methods per package, but there is no documentation describing what they do, and NO analysis of what the arguments represent or expect ! I look at these signatures, and have absolutely NO CLUE how to implement them ! The rest of the book suffers more or less the same sorts of ailments, lack of information. The authors are so wrapped up their GUI descriptions, that the object model (which is so much adored by the creators and writers) is not documented near to completion. For my sake and yours, please turn your head (from this book) while shopping for Quicktime for Java reference books. Basic QuickTime structures and Java programming examples, December 17, 1999 Reviewer: Rahman from CA, USA This work contains information about the premiere pioneering multimedia tool, Apple QuickTime 4. As the basis of the upcoming MPEG-4 standard, QuickTime is unexcelled in providing audio, graphics, video, and text, in a single application. Numerous file formats can be imported, interchanged, edited, and released as a single QuickTime file. This work outlines the underlying structure of this most influential multimedia format, and how to produce potentially interactive creations. Much of the content and information of the book is provided on the Apple website. There are also numerous Inside Macintosh publications, available in book form or as .PDF files, also on their website. Finally, there is an SDK included on the CD-ROM, the full version of which is available as well for free on the website. So, why even consider purchasing this book? 1. Portability -- don't have to print the numerous files out 2. Overview -- gives fundamental information, the reader can look for details afterwards 3. Examples -- this book is specifically written for portability using the Java language; in this way programs can be used, in principle, on Windows, MacOS, or UNIX systems (the last one still takes some extra effort) The readability of this work suffers at times, this is its biggest shortcoming. Getting the Java programs up and running at first is a bit frustrating. The information provided is so vast in potential, however, that it easily deserves a high rating. Be certain to check the website as well, to supplement the content of this book. If one is inclined to search for files on the Web and does not mind reading hundreds of pages from the screen, this information can be acquired free of charge. Otherwise this is a highly recommended work. Good Reference Book, September 14, 1999 Reviewer: james outlaw from Memphis, Tennessee I just got this book and I found it to be well written and easy to read. The sample code is fairly well explained as is the overall API. All in all, this is a good book. |
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