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Java Index - Java Beginner's Guides : Object-Oriented Implementation of Numerical Methods: An Introduction with Java & Smalltalk
by Didier H. Besset Hardcover: 766 pages Dimensions (in inches): 1.69 x 9.55 x 7.66 Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers ISBN: 1558606793; Bk&Cd Rom edition (October 2000) Didier Besset's Object-Oriented Implementation of Numerical Methods offers a wide-ranging set of objects for common numerical algorithms. Written for the math-literate Java and Smalltalk programmer, this volume demonstrates that both languages can be used to tackle common numerical calculations with ease. This title bridges the gap between pure algorithms and object design. By tackling issues like class design, interfaces, and overcoming floating-point rounding errors in both Java and Smalltalk, the code can be used as-is or as a model for your own custom numerical classes. The range of recipes, or sample numerical classes, all coded in both OOPLs, is rich. For anyone who's taken a few undergraduate math courses (like calculus, linear algebra, or statistics), plenty of the material will be familiar. After presenting some basic algorithm and mathematical principles, the book shows you the code that gets the job done (first in Smalltalk and then in Java). There's no room for demo code that shows how to use all this. The emphasis is on a good cross-section of common numerical calculations. The tour begins with calculus and moves through linear algebra, with plenty of material on matrices. Later sections on statistics cover familiar terms and calculations such as linear regression and calculations useful for establishing correlations between one or more independent variables. Sections on data mining examine the mathematical rules for finding patterns in large amounts of data. (There's also a nifty set of classes for implementing genetic algorithms.) Throughout, you get advice on choosing the right algorithm for the job. (There are class diagrams that map out how this class library is organized.) Of course, it will help to know some of the underlying math to get the most out of this intelligent and wide-ranging book, but the writing is remarkably clear and the source code is a model of intelligibility, so even readers who are averse to equations will find Object-Oriented Implementation of Numerical Methods readable. In general, any competent Java or Smalltalk programmer will be able to tap into solid mathematical code by reading it, without having to reinvent the proverbial wheel. --Richard Dragan Topics covered: • Introduction to numerical methods and objects in Java and Smalltalk • Numerical precision and rounding errors • Comparing floating-point numbers • Functions in Smalltalk and Java • Evaluating polynomials • The error, gamma, and beta functions • Interpolation algorithms (Lagrange, Newton, Neville, Burlirsch-Stoer, and cubic spline interpolations) • Choosing the right interpolation method • Iterative algorithms • Finding the zeroes of functions (the bisection method, Newton's method, roots of polynomials) • Integration of functions (trapeze integration method and Simpson and Romberg integration algorithms) • Open integrals • Choosing the right integration method • Infinite series • Continued fractions • Incomplete gamma and beta functions • Algorithms for linear algebra • Vectors and matrices • Linear equations (backward substitution, Gaussian elimination, LUP decomposition) • Matrix determinants and inversion • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of nonsymmetrical and symmetrical matrices • Statistical moments • Histograms • Probability distributions (normal, gamma, and experimental distributions) • The F-test • The t-test • The chi-squared test • Least-fit square algorithms • Optimization algorithms • Extended Newton algorithms • Hill-climbing algorithms • Powell's algorithm • Simplex algorithm • The genetic algorithm • Data mining • Covariance • Multidimensional probability distribution • The Mahalanobis Distance • Cluster analysis and variance From Book News, Inc.: A text for object-oriented programmers who need to implement numerical methods in their applications using algorithms. The author--a physicist and programmer--writes that his intent is to illustrate mapping between mathematical concepts and computer objects, and he employs as examples algorithms that he has implemented in real applications over a dozen years. Each method described includes a brief explanation, a description of the general OO architecture for the algorithm, a discussion of code implementation, and examples.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR David N. Smith, IBM T J Watson Research Center "...this book does a great job of showing how to build numerical analysis programs." Book Description: Numerical methods naturally lend themselves to an object-oriented approach. Mathematics builds high- level ideas on top of previously described, simpler ones. Once a property is demonstrated for a given concept, it can be applied to any new concept sharing the same premise as the original one, similar to the ideas of reuse and inheritance in object-oriented (OO) methodology. Few books on numerical methods teach developers much about designing and building good code. Good computing routines are problem-specific. Insight and understanding are what is needed, rather than just recipes and black box routines. Developers need the ability to construct new programs for different applications. Object-Oriented Implementation of Numerical Methods reveals a complete OO design methodology in a clear and systematic way. Each method is presented in a consistent format, beginning with a short explanation and following with a description of the general OO architecture for the algorithm. Next, the code implementations are discussed and presented along with real-world examples that the author, an experienced software engineer, has used in a variety of commercial applications. Features: • Reveals the design methodology behind the code, including design patterns where appropriate, rather than just presenting canned solutions. • Implements all methods side by side in both Java and Smalltalk. This contrast can significantly enhance your understanding of the nature of OO programming languages. • Provides a step-by-step pathway to new object-oriented techniques for programmers familiar with using procedural languages such as C or Fortran for numerical methods. • Includes a chapter on data mining, a key application of numerical methods. • On the enclosed CD-ROM, you'll find files containing tested source code implementations of all the algorithms discussed in the book in both Java and Smalltalk. This includes repository files for VisualAge for Java and VisualAge for Smalltalk under ENVY. Book Info: A text on numerical methods teaching developers about designing and building good code for Java and SmallTalk. Offers a complete OO design methodology, clearly and systematically. The CD-ROM contains files with tested source code implementations of the algorithms in the text. DLC: Computer software--Development. About the Author: Didier Besset obtained a degree in physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) and a Ph.D. in high-energy physics at the University of Geneva. He did postgraduate research at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and was Adjunct Professor at Princeton University where he taught physics. Since 1990 he has worked as an independent consultant on decision-support systems based on medical or technical data, all written using object-oriented technology. He has been programming in Smalltalk since 1987 and in Java since 1997. Customer Reviews This book rocks, May 25, 2001 Reviewer: A reader from chicago, IL USA this is an extremely useful book. loaded with lots of good, accurate, easy to understand code. this is the most user-friendly book on numerical algorithms that i have found. if you need to do scientific programming in java, you need this book. Excellent book, January 9, 2001 Reviewer: Dr. Ivan Tomek from Nova Scotia, Canada The author is clearly very familiar with the theory and practice of numerical computations in OO languages. For me, the main contributions of the book are an expert formulation of some of the basic numerical techniques and concepts in OO terms (a subject rarely approached in the numerous existing books on OO technology), and examples that can be followed to implement other NM techniques and concepts. The inclusion of very readable Smalltalk and Java source code is very useful. For use in a course, I would like to see the material complemented by exercises. Reconciling Numerical Methods and Object-Orientation, December 23, 2000 Reviewer: ducasse from Bern, Switzerland I really enjoyed this book because it shows that a high level language such as Smalltalk can efficiently model a complex domain like numerical methods. Besset presents a conceptual framework where the concepts are extended and reused, showing the power of OO programming. I also liked the structure of examples followed by a formal foundation, implementation, and implementation discussion. Oh man, is this book neat!, December 7, 2000 Reviewer: Lynn B. Hales from Salt Lake City, Utah USA Dr. Besset has written an uncommonly great book where he has given us important tools while teaching object-oriented analysis and design. Having both Smalltalk and Java code included is a gift. As a smalltalker, I greatly appreciate the inclusion of the Smalltalk code. The book is well organized, very readable and provides the basis for individuals to extend the classes provides as well as build applications with the included code. The code also provides solid examples of object-oriented programming style that will aid the newer programmers in developing effective use of both Java and Smalltalk. |
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