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Java Index - Java Beginner's Guides : Digital Image Processing: A Practical Introduction Using Java
by Nick Efford Paperback: 340 pages Dimensions (in inches): 0.77 x 9.13 x 7.22 Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pub Co ISBN: 0201596237; 1st edition (May 15, 2000) With the ongoing explosion in the popularity of digital cameras, online image delivery, powerful graphics-editing programs, and digital video, the technologies involved have been receiving a lot of attention. But such technologies have been evolving for years and Digital Image Processing Using Java provides a fine snapshot (pun intended) of the state of digital-imaging art. A serious treatment of the theory and practice of encoding and manipulating graphics data, the book explains how computer programs work with pixels, colors, and other aspects of digital imaging. And the text puts an emphasis on sampling, filtering, compression, and additional manipulation algorithms. But this book is about digital images, not Java. The Java programming language is just a tool for illustrating how to manipulate image data. (Because of its clean design, Java is particularly well suited to this job.) A typical section in the book gives the theory behind a particular kind of image processing (often with some pure math that's easy to follow with a bit of study) and then shows how Java implements the idea. Java2D API classes are used in the code listings, illustrating the results using sample images (some in color) and graphs. --David Wall Topics covered: Techniques for representing visual information digitally, and for manipulating those representations with software. It doesn't cover individual file formats with much detail, but Digital Image Processing pays tons of attention to sampling, color enhancement, edge detection, affine transforms, and compression. Code samples in the book are in Java. From Book News, Inc.: Focusing on the computational aspects of the subject and avoiding complicated mathematical detail, this textbook presents techniques for the manipulation, correction, and enhancement of digital images. Chapters cover basic image manipulation, grey level and color enhancement, neighborhood operations, frequency domain, geometric operation, segmentation, morphological image processing, and image compression. The CD-ROM contains Java classes for developing software and other tools.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR Book Info: Provides a practical introduction to image processing, avoiding unnecessary mathematical detail and focusing on the computational aspects of the subject. Softcover. CD-ROM included. DLC: Image processing--Digital techniques. From the Back Cover: This book features a breadth and depth that first explains IP concepts and then allows users to practice them by working with the accompanying CD-ROM. The material on this disc includes Java classes that can be used by programmers to build IP software, as well as a complete set of tools that will let them experiment with IP concepts. It provides a thorough introduction to current state-of-the-art IP technology while using the Java programming language. Computer scientists who want to learn more advanced topics in computer graphics. Customer Reviews An Introduction to Image Processing, May 25, 2000 Reviewer: Chin-Jui Kuo from USA This book introduces some basic concepts of image processing. It also uses Java 2D imaging functions to implement those concepts. Therefore, it is a practical book combined with concept and implementations. |
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