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Java Index - Java Beginner's Guides : Introduction to Java
by Stephen J. Chapman Paperback: 344 pages Dimensions (in inches): 0.68 x 9.95 x 8.04 Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0139194169; 1st edition (June 22, 1999) Book News, Inc.: This textbook for a freshman programming course covers repetition structures, arrays, strings, plotting, methods, classes and object- oriented programming, Java graphics, and graphical user interfaces. -- Copyright © 2000 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR All rights reserved Book Description: Introduction to Java is part of Prentice Hall's ESource Series, a unique publishing system designed to give professors optimal control over their courseware. ESource allows you the freedom to create your own textbook using only the topics necessary for your class. The process is simple: on the ESource website, you construct a book by combining any of the chapters from any of the numerous titles in the series. You can personalize the book even further by integrating your own material into the text flow. The end product is a professionally formatted text that is molded to fit the exact needs of your course. Of course, any of the ESource books can also be adopted as individual texts, or shrink-wrapped together with other titles in the series. ESource Series: Introduction to Java, Stephen J. Chapman ISBN: 0-13-919416-9 Introduction to AutoCAD r. 14, Mark Dix and Paul Riley ISBN: 0-13-011001-9 Introduction to AutoCAD 2000, Mark Dix and Paul Riley ISBN: 0-13-016732-0 Introduction to ANSI C, Delores M. Etter ISBN: 0-13-011854-0 Introduction to C++, Delores M. Etter ISBN: 0-13-011855-9 Introduction to MATLAB, Delores M. Etter ISBN: 0-13-013149-0 Engineering Ethics, Charles D. Fleddermann ISBN: 0-13-784224-4 Introduction to Engineering Analysis, Kirk Hagen ISBN: 0-13-016733-9 Engineering Design: A Day in the Life of Four Engineers, Mark N. Horenstein ISBN: 0-13-085089-6 Design Concepts for Engineers, Mark N. Horenstein ISBN: 0-13-081369-9 Introduction to the Internet, 2/e, Scott D. James ISBN: 0-13-011037-X Introduction to Excel, David Kuncicky ISBN: 0-13-254749-X Introduction to Word, David Kuncicky ISBN: 0-13-254764-3 Introduction to MathCAD, Ronald W. Larsen ISBN: 0-13-937493-0 Introduction to MathCAD 2000, Ronald W. Larsen ISBN: 0-13-020007-7 Introduction to Powerpoint, Jack Leifer ISBN: 0-13-040214-1 Graphic Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER, Richard Lueptow ISBN: 0-13-014154-2 Graphic Concepts with SOLIDWORKS, Richard Lueptow ISBN: 0-13-014155-0 Introduction to FORTRAN 90, Larry R. Nyhoff ISBN: 0-13-013146-6 Engineering Success, Peter Schiavone ISBN: 0-13-080859-8 Mathematics Review, Peter Schiavone ISBN: 0-13-011501-0 Introduction to Maple, David I. Schwartz ISBN: 0-13-095133-1 Introduction to Unix, David I. Schwartz ISBN: 0-13-095135-8 Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0, David Schneider ISBN: 0-13-026813-5 From the Inside Flap: About Esource The Challenge Professors who teach the Introductory/First-Year Engineering course popular at most engineering schools have a unique challenge-teaching a course defined by a changing curriculum. The first-year engineering course is different from any other engineering course in that there is no real cannon that defines the course content. It is not like Engineering Mechanics or Circuit Theory where a consistent set of topics define the course. Instead, the introductory engineering course is most often defined by the creativity of professors and students, and the specific needs of a college or university each semester. Faculty involved in this course. typically put extra effort into it, and it shows in the uniqueness of each course at each school. Choosing a textbook can be a challenge for unique courses. Most freshmen require some sort of reference material to help them through their first semesters as a college student. But because faculty put such a strong mark on their course, they often have a difficult time finding the right mix of materials for their course and often have to go without a text, or with one that does not really fit. Conventional textbooks are far too static for the typical specialization of the first-year course.prenhall/esource Prentice Hall created ESource-The Prentice-Hall Engineering Source-to give professors the power to harness the full potential of their text and their freshman/first year engineering course.ESource enables you to put your stamp on your book just as you do your course. It lets you: Control You choose exactly what chapters or sections are in your book and in what order they appear. Of course, you can choose the entire book if you'd like and stay with the author's original order. Optimize Get the most from your book and your course. ESource lets you produce the optimal text for your student's needs. Customize You can add your own material anywhere in your text's presentation, and your final product will arrive at your bookstore as a professionally formatted text. Source Content All the content in ESource was written by educators specifically for freshman/first-year students. Authors tried to strike a balanced level of presentation, one that was not either too formulaic and trivial, but not focusing heavily on advanced topics that most introductory students will not encounter until later classes. A developmental editor reviewed the books and made sure that every text was written at the appropriate level, and that the books featured a balanced presentation. Because many professors do not have extensive time to cover these topics in the classroom, authors prepared each text with the idea that many students would use it for self-instruction and independent study. Students should be able to use this content to learn the software tool or subject on their own. While authors had the freedom to write texts in a style appropriate to their particular subject, all followed certain guidelines created to promote the consistency a text needs. Namely, every chapter opens with a clear set of objectives to lead students into the chapter. Each chapter also contains practice problems that tests a student's skill at performing the tasks they have just learned. Chapters close with extra practice questions and a list of key terms for reference. Authors tried to focus on motivating applications that demonstrate how engineers work in the real world, and included these applications throughout the text in various chapter openers, examples, and problem material. Specific Engineering and Science Application Boxes are also located throughout the texts, and focus on a specific application and demonstrating its solution. Because students often have an adjustment from high school to college, each book contains several Professional Success Boxes specifically designed to provide advice on college study skills. Each author has worked to provide students with tips and techniques that help a student better understand the material, and avoid common pitfalls or problems first-year students often have. In addition, this series contains an entire book titled Engineering Success by Peter Schiavone of the University of Alberta intended to expose students quickly to what it takes to be an engineering student. Creating Your Book Using ESource is simple. You preview the content either on-line or through examination copies of the books you can request on-line, from your PH sales rep, or by calling(1-800-526-0485). Create an online outline of the content you want in the order you want using ESource's simple interface. Either type or cut and paste your own material and insert it into the text flow. You can preview the overall organization of the text you've created at anytime (please note, since this preview is immediate, it comes unformatted.), then press another button and receive an order number for your own custom book. If you are not ready to order, do nothing-ESource will save your work. You can come back at any time and change, re-arrange, or add more material to your creation. You are in control. Once you're finished and you have an ISBN, give it to your bookstore and your book will arrive on their shelves six weeks after the order. Your custom desk copies with their instructor supplements will arrive at your address at the same time.You can either go through the on-line walkthrough of how to create a book, or experiment yourself. Community ESource has two other areas designed to promote the exchange of information among the introductory engineering community, the Faculty and the Student Centers. Created and maintained with the help of Dale Calkins, an Associate Professor at the University of Washington, these areas contain a wealth of useful information and tools. You can preview outlines created by other schools and can see how others organize their courses. Read a monthly article discussing important topics in the curriculum. You can post your own material and share it with others, as well as use what others have posted in your own documents. Communicate with our authors about their books and make suggestions for improvement. Comment about your course and ask for information from others professors. Create an on-line syllabus using our custom syllabus builder. Browse Prentice Hall's catalog and order titles from your sales rep. Tell us new features that we need to add to the site to make it more useful. Supplements Adopters of ESource receive an instructor's CD that includes solutions as well as professor and student code for all the books in the series. This CD also contains approximately 350 Powerpoint Transparencies created by Jack Leifer-of University South Carolina-Aiken. Professors can either follow these transparencies as pre-prepared lectures or use them as the basis for their own custom presentations. In addition, look to the web site to find materials from other schools that you can download and use in your own course. From the Back Cover: ESourcePrentice Hall's Engineering Sourceprovides a complete, flexible introductory engineering and computing program. Featuring over 15 modules and growing, ESource allows users to fully customize their series through the ESource website. Users are not only able to pick and choose modules, but also sections of modules, and re-paginate and re-index the complete project. For any Engineer or Computer Scientist interested in a complete, customized reference. Customer Reviews Fantastic, July 16, 2001 Reviewer: Katherine Brown from Adelaide, Australia I had done some Java programming before I read this book, but Chapman's easy and familiar style made a lot of the 'theory' of java very easy to cement. In particular, his biological anology for the concept of object orientation was nothing short of brilliant. Where the heck is the chapman package?, August 23, 2000 Reviewer: A reader from Mount Pleasant, SC USA My wife is going back to school and taking an introductory Java course. I'm skimming through this book, and wondering, where is the package chapman? The book doesn't include any info on where to get this package. We went to the website , but it requires a 30+ digit pin # to register as a student which we also do not know. Any decent introductory textbook gives detailed instructions to deal with the Path and Classpath environment variables on a Windows or Linux machine. We aren't too impressed in the first 30 minutes of skimming this book. A Book, a good Book for New Comer to Java world., April 11, 2000 Reviewer: A reader from Ottawa,Canada It's a good book for a serious freshman in Java. The reasons? Compact, logical and... well, the examples. Tired of the big books about Java ABC, try this one. Well, what I should say here is that, it is more useful for engineer rather than business developer. Perhaps, that's why I, fortunately become the earlier commentor. |
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